This website was developed to provide Mason’s residents and businesses the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding significant capital projects occurring in the community and to serve as a platform for residents to communicate questions, concerns or comments related to those projects. The City’s 5-Year Capital Improvement Program is updated annually. It serves as a planning tool to identify capital improvement needs throughout the City. Those needs are then evaluated along with City priorities, financing, and timing in a way that assures the most responsible and efficient use of resources.
Almost 20% of Mason’s total annual budget is allocated to capital expenditures that further Mason’s position for future economic growth and long-term health of the community. This year over $35M has been allocated for capital improvements throughout the City. Roadway improvements account for over 80% of the total allocation. This continues Mason’s reputation for continued significant investment in the community.
The City does attempt to coordinate roadway projects internally and externally to reduce the amount of traffic congestion. This can be a challenge with multiple jurisdictions scheduling construction projects when warmer weather conditions are required. Traffic patterns and alternative routes are also considered with every roadway project and adjustments to signals and signage are all part of the plan.
Roadway improvements often require traffic pattern alterations, delays and lane closures that will disrupt driving routines for Mason residents, employees working in the City and drivers traveling through the community. Please slow down, use caution and give workers some distance Allowing yourself more time to adjust to a new driving routine can reduce frustration. Remember those working in these construction areas may be a family member, friend or neighbor. Please be patient.