Traffic volumes have increased significantly on Snider Road resulting in congestion during peak traffic periods throughout this corridor. In 2016, staff proposed a two phased approach to the Snider Road Improvement project that would coincide with funding, right-of-way costs, grants, etc. Phase 1 construction added a northbound and southbound lane on Snider Road creating a five-lane section between US Route 42 and Tylersville Road. Phase 2 improvements would add a center turn lane between Western Row Road and US Route 42, including storm sewers, bike path, streetlights, street trees, sidewalk, curb and gutter, utility relocation and right-of-way acquisition.
Utility relocations are projected to start in 2025. The roadway project is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2026 with completion in late 2026.
Current Status: The utility companies are currently working on final relocation plans. The consultant is working on finalizing roadway plans, acquiring easements, and preparing estimates to bid out the project in 2026.